Really neat concept and cool environments, i wish it was longer. I did have some issues with the controls- when I went to the menu to lower the graphics and sensitivity i had so much trouble any time i wanted to select the back button. I ended up having to pixel hunt to get it to highlight, and i gave up on trying to hit return altogether and just re hit the esc key. Also when opening the gallery and scrolling through i had no way to scroll back, so if I accidentally scrolled past the pictures i needed- which i did a few times while exploring and figuring out the controls- i was soft locked and had to restart. Now idk if this is an issue on my end or if there is a way to go back or undo things, but if there is it was not explained and i couldnt find it. All that aside, the game itself is very interesting and i enjoyed it. It definitely feels more like a demo in its shortness and simplicity, but that just means i wished there was more to play.
Hi! The issue for the "back" button is known, we just didn't get around to fixing it before releasing the game. Thank you for the feedback! It means a lot :)
Je voulais essayer le jeu vu que vous êtes aussi Français, mais je suis déjà bloquée sur la maison avec les poubelles devant. J'arrive pas à trouver comment entrer. Ça a l'air d'être un jeu décent, en tout cas visuellement c'est joli, mais il a besoin de plusieurs choses. En premier lieu, des options notamment pour la sensibilité de la souris et les graphismes. Ensuite, il a besoin de plus de directions, parce qu'on est très vite perdu. J'ai assez vite compris la caméra et trouver la maison mais ensuite j'ai du mal à savoir quoi faire.
Salut et merci de ton retour ! C'est vrai que le manque de directions est le point qui est revenu le plus durant les playtests et nos professeurs nous ont poussés à en ajouter un maximum, surtout pendant le rush de fin car au départ, en plus d'en manquer, le niveau 1 était incompréhensible. On a réussi à améliorer ce point, ce qui a nous permis de donner un peu plus de directions , mais effectivement, le problème est loin d'être réglé.
C'est OK, c'est en faisant des erreurs qu'on apprend. Vous êtes quand même sur une bonne voie. Comme j'ai dit, le jeu n'est pas moche à regarder, il y a des bases solides et, d'après la description du jeu, j'aime beaucoup l'idée. Continuez sur cette voie 🖤
We forgot to add QWERTY as a possible keyboard configuration, it should be fixed now. As for getting 10FPS, try lowering your resolution and graphics in the options.
All good! I lowered the resolution to 1080p and was getting 60 FPS but still got a little lost trying to find the house. I've tried running every direction but I keep hitting invisible walls. The images show a distinct house so thats what I've been looking for., but is it one of the normal houses?
I feel...Stupid doesn't quite describe it XD I've been wandering up and down the road clicking on every house, and as I walked back to the beginning...I see the camera on the ground that I just ignored, despite it being the main menu lol. Good news, found the house.
Don't feel stupid, it's our fault, it's the first time we've made a game of this scale and I have to admit we really struggled with the clarity of the tutorial. I'm really sorry.
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Really neat concept and cool environments, i wish it was longer. I did have some issues with the controls- when I went to the menu to lower the graphics and sensitivity i had so much trouble any time i wanted to select the back button. I ended up having to pixel hunt to get it to highlight, and i gave up on trying to hit return altogether and just re hit the esc key. Also when opening the gallery and scrolling through i had no way to scroll back, so if I accidentally scrolled past the pictures i needed- which i did a few times while exploring and figuring out the controls- i was soft locked and had to restart. Now idk if this is an issue on my end or if there is a way to go back or undo things, but if there is it was not explained and i couldnt find it. All that aside, the game itself is very interesting and i enjoyed it. It definitely feels more like a demo in its shortness and simplicity, but that just means i wished there was more to play.
Hi! The issue for the "back" button is known, we just didn't get around to fixing it before releasing the game. Thank you for the feedback! It means a lot :)
Le jeu lag à mort sur mon PC c’est dommage
Je voulais essayer le jeu vu que vous êtes aussi Français, mais je suis déjà bloquée sur la maison avec les poubelles devant. J'arrive pas à trouver comment entrer. Ça a l'air d'être un jeu décent, en tout cas visuellement c'est joli, mais il a besoin de plusieurs choses. En premier lieu, des options notamment pour la sensibilité de la souris et les graphismes. Ensuite, il a besoin de plus de directions, parce qu'on est très vite perdu. J'ai assez vite compris la caméra et trouver la maison mais ensuite j'ai du mal à savoir quoi faire.
Salut et merci de ton retour ! C'est vrai que le manque de directions est le point qui est revenu le plus durant les playtests et nos professeurs nous ont poussés à en ajouter un maximum, surtout pendant le rush de fin car au départ, en plus d'en manquer, le niveau 1 était incompréhensible. On a réussi à améliorer ce point, ce qui a nous permis de donner un peu plus de directions , mais effectivement, le problème est loin d'être réglé.
C'est OK, c'est en faisant des erreurs qu'on apprend. Vous êtes quand même sur une bonne voie. Comme j'ai dit, le jeu n'est pas moche à regarder, il y a des bases solides et, d'après la description du jeu, j'aime beaucoup l'idée. Continuez sur cette voie 🖤
I'm curious to try it but I'm only getting 10 Fps, as well as the A and W keys don't work, so you have to use the arrows to move which took me a sec.
We forgot to add QWERTY as a possible keyboard configuration, it should be fixed now. As for getting 10FPS, try lowering your resolution and graphics in the options.
All good! I lowered the resolution to 1080p and was getting 60 FPS but still got a little lost trying to find the house. I've tried running every direction but I keep hitting invisible walls. The images show a distinct house so thats what I've been looking for., but is it one of the normal houses?
When you picked up the camera on the floor, did the tutorial prompt show up correctly ? It should've told you to press TAB to open the gallery
I feel...Stupid doesn't quite describe it XD I've been wandering up and down the road clicking on every house, and as I walked back to the beginning...I see the camera on the ground that I just ignored, despite it being the main menu lol. Good news, found the house.
Nice ! It's all good XD
Don't feel stupid, it's our fault, it's the first time we've made a game of this scale and I have to admit we really struggled with the clarity of the tutorial. I'm really sorry.
I hope you enjoy the game anyway !
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option video?
Something wrong with the option ?
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set good video for options video... so easy for make this lol
Oh right, we're still students, sorry if we're missing some options, we're still learning.
If you know how to do it easily don't hesitate to tell me so I can fix it.
Thanks for the feedback !
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no problem ! think your game is good